‘’Sayed Perwiz Kambakhsh is an infidel he committed crime against Allah’’, said Abdul Jabar Sabit, the Former Attorney General of Afghanistan. Parwiz, a student of Journalism was charged with blasphemy for having circulated an article downloaded from the Internet and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
But what is sad about this case is that Parwiz was accused of blasphemy by a man (Jabar Sabit) who himself is an evil according to Islam. In the below video you can see Jabar is dancing drunk at a party in Kabul during his time of being the Attorney General. Is anyone there to jail him for crime against Islam ? or Islam is just for us and we should follow it not the Islamic rulers?.
War, corruption and the CIA men in Afghanistan
Published: January 1, 2009
New York Times ...
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''One of the mansions — three stories, several bedrooms, sweeping balconies — is owned by Abdul Jabbar Sabit, a former attorney general who made a name for himself by declaring a “jihad” against corruption.
After he was fired earlier this year by President Karzai, a video began circulating around town showing Mr. Sabit dancing giddily around a room and slurring his words, apparently drunk. Mr. Sabit now lives in Canada, but his house is available to rent for $5,000 a month.''
Abdul Jabar Sabit, the Afghanistan Attorney General dismissed on July 16, by President Karzai after he announced intending to run for presidency election of next year. Mr. Sabit a former member of Islamist group of Afghan warlord Gulboddin Hekmatyar, was appointed as Attorney General on May 2006. Sabit who also served as a member of Karzai team now became a full-size rival. He accused Karzai for taking an illegal action firing him and called it a huge conspiracy in a media conference in Kabul.
A few days later former lawyers organized a seminar in Kabul Star Hotel to discuses about Sabits work history. General Omarkhel, former Chief of Kabul Airport Police, was one of a speaker in the seminar said Sabit himself was shipwrecked in corruption while providing documents as evidence for the audience.
Former lawyers, who gathered to discuses Mr. Sabits dismissal, accused him for protecting the terrorists despite the fact that served as an Attorney General. Furthermore the lawyers showed evidences that proof Sabit guilty of crimes, such as murdering, defalcation of assaults, owning illegal properties and torturing.
Hafizullah a former attorney said when Sabit became AG he took a green public land by force from mayor of Kabul. Hafizullah added Sabit did not give the millions Afghanis for the government which he received from Sham-I-Paris Hotel lawsuits. Hafizullah provided a document, which shows that Jabar Sabit jailed a 15 years old girl in his private jail for the five months till Karzai told him to release her.
Naqebullah, who introduced himself as brother of the victim said in the seminar that he also paid bribe to Mr. Sabit for the release of his sister.
Talking to Radio Voice of Khawaran Jabar Sabit, former Attorney General indicted Karzai for taking his official vehicle, bodyguards, weapons and leaving him unprotected. Moreover Sabit claimed that Karzai wants to kill him in order to stop him reaching next election. I wont be alive for a month, they are killing me Sabit added.
Former officials accuse Jabar Sabitt of seeking 'huge' bribes
Three former officials in the eastern Nangarhar province previously sacked by the ex-Attorney General, Abdul Jabar Sabet, accused him of asking for huge bribes from them.
Former Jalalabad mayor, Naeem Stanikzai, agriculture department chief Aziz Zaheer and the energy department chief Mirajuddin told reporters in Jalalabad that they were dismissed early this year by the then Attorney General Sabet due to his personal hostilities against them.
They asked the government to ban Sabit from leaving Afghanistan until their charges are heard and determined by the appropriate bodies:
A mind blowing article is provided here. Celebration Attorney And it is written with great skill and the words directly explain the thought of author.